quinta-feira, 19 de fevereiro de 2009

Radical Change of Plans!

When I first started this trip, the initial idea was to fly to South America first, in search of good weather (ok, and I admit, Carnaval!:). The price of tickets and the uncertainty wheather you could just buy one way tickets to Brazil(there is the chance the airline would refuse u bording when u were doing your check in because in case of the customs in south america wouldnt let you through, they would be responsbible to fly you back for free!it happened before to many people and so I didnt wanna risk it!).

This and the fact I didnt wanna blow right in the beggining of my trip 500euros or more, led me to take the cheapest flight out of europe. Easy jet to Istanbul.

One month and 9 days later, here I am, in India. Survived two countries in the axis of evil (for sure i would have seen more evil if I had traveled to US...) and Pakistan, the dangerest place of the all itinerary (even though things were alway under control...or so I like to think!:)

The original Idea was to the classic, romantic round the world trip. flying from south east asia to australia and then New Zealand and from there to South America, from where I would take a flight back to Portugal.

Unfortunately I lack two things that is this case, literally make the world go round: time and money!

I will remain in India till end of April (some family obligations as well as "professional" ones...i will go into this in a later post...) So I really would be cruising through South East Asia, Rushing through Australia and New Zealand, and fly to SOuth America only to see maybe Argentina and Brazil (when the original, before thinking, tiago style, was to tour all of them!). There is simply no time for all this (and I doubt Money!:)

Therefore, I already made up my mind (but I reserve my self the right to change it again, if you dont mind), not to go to Australia, New Zealand and South America (this when the sound effects come in and you here the "ohhhh" in the audience!:)

I realised this today, while I was on a rafting trip. After this huge rapid where I almost shit my pants (it was a begginers rapid, but no one needs to know this!) the bonanza settled in, with the mountain landscape surrounding us. Monkeys where coming to the shore of the river to drink water. (soundtrack:violins...)

And I felt that life is to short, but long enough to see everything. and I really should take my time to enjoy this kind of moments.

So...I will take my time and eventually will go back. after south east asia, through china, mongolia and russia taking the trans siberian as the consolation prize not to go around the world... (I will leave that adventure for my middle age crisis!:) I will go back to europe entering Poland, to see my friends, and to Slovakia, to see a certain someone (yes, you!:)

( other reasons behind this decision, more practical ones are: 1)Flying to Australia, to South America and Europe would cost never less that 1500 euros. A lot of money that can be used for some other interesting stuff along the way: rafting, diving,a few nights in the Hilton, etc...)2) When I got to Australia, New Zealand and South America it would be winter there, so i wouldnt really make the most of these places, while in China and Russia will be Summer 3) Australia and New Zealand are really expensive, and would put a severe pressure on my poor resources, and wouldnt be able to enjoy it 4)I really dont want to take the trouble to find cheap flights, that eventually simply dont exist 5) I already got informed for the visas for china and russia and I think I can get them more or less easily in Bangkok. 6) I will have more time to see without rushing asia.I can take time to go to Myanmar, and even Tibet. I will just leave south america and australia for other time).

Ok...I've been uploading the photos I took so far. All of them! It can be a bit boring so just zoom them out, and check just the ones you want! (let me know it the blog will be too heavy to access)


1 comentários:

João disse...

Olá primo!Folgo em ver-te feliz!A Ásia não sê vê num dia e por vezes mais vale ver pouco ams melhor;)Diverte-te e obrigado pelas fotos!abraço!